Category Archives: Powershell

SAP SuccessFactors to Active Directory Sync (updated users)

For a customer that is using SuccessFactors to manage their employees / contractees, I wrote a script that will update the AD accounts of any person that is updated in SuccessFactors.

I expect you’ll have working knowledge on how to configure SF PerformanceManager to export the users you wish to update to a CSV file on the sFTP server SF provides for you.

With that, you should be able to configure the script. It’ll basically map any field you export to any field in Active Directory you wish. In some cases, such as the Manager field, special logic has been added to the script to look up the user’s manager. For other special fields you may have to write your own logic.

If you wish, the script will provide you with a full report in your email, for example:

Get it @ Gitlab directly:

Helper function to replace data in a CSV file

Just a quick share as I needed this for something, this function will replace values in a CSV file. It takes the desired column(s) and value(s) to search for and a new value and desired target column as required parameters.

function update-csvColumn{
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$csvContents, #input original CSV file contents here (use import-csv first)
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Array]$searchForColumns, #names of the columns you want to base your search on
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Array]$searchForValues, #replace rows in $searchForColumn that match these values (in same order!)
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$replaceColumn, #set this column to what you specified in $newValue
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$newValue #the new value you wish to set $searchForColumn or $replaceColumn to
    if($searchForColumns.Count -ne $searchForValues.Count) {Throw "You must supply an equal number of columns and values to match on"}
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $csvContents.Count; $i++){
        $replace = $True
        for($c = 0; $c -lt $searchForColumns.Count; $c++){
            if($csvContents[$i].$($searchForColumns[$c]) -ne $searchForValues[$c]){
                $replace = $False
            $csvContents[$i].$replaceColumn = $newValue
    return $csvContents

SAP SuccessFactors to Active Directory Sync (disabled users)

For a customer that is using SuccessFactors to manage their employees / contractees, I wrote a script that will disable the AD accounts of any person that is disabled in SuccessFactors.

I expect you’ll have working knowledge on how to configure SF PerformanceManager to export the users you wish to disable to a CSV file on the sFTP server SF provides for you.

With that, you should be able to configure the script. If you wish, the script will provide you with a full report in your email, for example:

Get it @ Gitlab directly:

Full AzureAD Applications Permission overview

So you’d like to know which applications are living in your AzureAD?

And you’d like to know which of those were added by your admins, and what permissions those applications have?

And you’d also like to know which applications your users are consenting to, and what rights those applications have on your users?

Look no further, I wrote a script to export all of that to Excel for you!

Application overview

Apps an admin has consented to and the type of rights it needs

Apps a user has consented to and the type of rights it needs

Apps to user mapping, for an easy overview of which user has consented to which app

Get it at:

Credits to Doug Finke for the Excel module I’m using!


Retrieving ALL Azure AD registered applications that Get-AzureRMAdApplication does not return

The Microsoft supplied Get-AzureRMADApplication Powershell cmdlet does not return all applications you can see in the Enterprise Applications and App registrations blades in Azure AD.

In addition, Get-AzureRmAdApplication also does not return information such as:

  • Publisher Name
  • logoUrl
  • tags
  • enabled/disabled status
  • if it is a MicrosoftFirstParty application

So, here’s a custom PS function to help you out:

It requires a special token generated by my get-AzureRMtoken function to log in.

As usual when using unsupported API’s, be careful!