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8 months ago

I am getting the error;

Contacting Federation Server and attempting Single SignOn…
Detected fmHF redirect, following
ERROR Error detected while following the fmHF redirect, check the FAQ for help
ERRORnative auth login mode failed, aborting script

Was working fine yesterday and nothing has changed

Simon P.
Simon P.
1 year ago

I was able to resolve this issue by upgrading in 3.29 yesterday and it was ok for all users. But, today it seems to back again. Am I the only one ?

Spencer Weise
Spencer Weise
1 year ago

The 3.29 diff shows everything as addition. Trying to see what’s changed to modify my highly customized script.

Abhinav Jha
1 year ago

Thanks for Latest Updated Script!

Amundo Stowers
Amundo Stowers
1 year ago

Thanks Jos for continuing to support this script. I know you recommedn we embrace newer technology, but even if we do, Microsoft et al will still find a way to keep us on the upgrade treadwheel.

8 months ago


This happend today when mapping favorited sites: ( Using v3.29 ). Is microsoft blocking somthing again? :/

INFO | A drive label has been specified, attempting to set the label for T:
INFO | Label has been set to Teams
INFO | Retrieving favorited sites because autoMapFavoriteSites is set to TRUE
INFO | Detected a id_token redirect, following…
ERROR | error retrieving favorited sites Exception calling “GetResponse” with “0” argument(s): “The remote server returned the error (400) Invalid request.”
INFO | Detected a id_token redirect, following…

Ben Pyett
Ben Pyett
1 year ago

We have been unable to map all day? no one else struggling? Worked fine since v3.29 for weeks up until today? Log file extract shown below, valid tenant name replaced with XXXXX 07/28/2023 17:17:54 | INFO | Base URL:  07/28/2023 17:19:01 | INFO | Login attempt using native method at tenant XXXXX 07/28/2023 17:20:08 | ERROR | Unable to find user realm due to Exception calling “GetResponse” with “0” argument(s): “The operation has timed out” 07/28/2023 17:20:08 | INFO | Login succeeded 07/28/2023 17:20:09 | INFO | Retrieving Onedrive for Business cookie step 1… 07/28/2023 17:21:16 | ERROR |… Read more »

Ben Pyett
Ben Pyett
1 year ago

Anyone else having any issues today, we’re getting “System Error 53 has occurred” this morning and it was fine yesterday.

Nothing has changes our side and internet connectivity is fine.

Ben Pyett
Ben Pyett
1 year ago

I too am trying to work out what the specific changes were to get past the weekends introduced 403 errors.

As we are still running a modified version of v3.17

Any guidance related to just the changes needed, would be much appreciated.