The wish
I wanted to allow certain users to only start specific azure runbooks in an automation account, so that I wouldn’t need separate automation accounts for each role.
This worked by assigning the ‘Automation Runbook Operator’ per runbook, and the ‘Automation Job Operator’ to the automation account for these users.
The issue
However, some of our runbooks actually run on premises as hybrid runbooks on our Hybrid Worker Group. And when a user tried to start one of those runbooks, they received an error:

“The selected Hybrid Worked Group has no active workers. Until the worker is seen again, the job might fail to start.“
The fix
After some experimenting, I found out that assigning the ‘Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers/read’ action (using a custom role) at the automation account scope fixed this error and allowed our users to run hybrid jobs without seeing runbooks they don’t need to see.