O365Undo is a great script you can use to roll back actions of your user(s) in Office 365. Most likely, actions your user wasn’t aware of but were actually done by a CryptoLocker or by RansomWare.
These nasty virusses can cause havoc on your mapped or synced Sharepoint Online or Onedrive for Business libraries in the form of file level encryption or file name obfuscation.
This new version also protects Office 365 Groups.
Read more or download the script
For our enrollment process of customers in Office 365, we enable the Unified Audit Log by default, as this has a great number of benefits.
At first, the only way to do this was through the UI, but now we can enable the Unified Audit Log with the following Powershell command in the Exchange Online Remote Shell:
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled:$True
Or to disable the Unified Audit Log through Powershell:
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled:$False
Note that disabling the Unified Audit Log can only be done through Powershell.
O365Undo is a great script you can use to roll back actions of your user(s) in Office 365. Most likely, actions your user wasn’t aware of but were actually done by a CryptoLocker or by RansomWare.
These nasty virusses can cause havoc on your mapped or synced Sharepoint Online or Onedrive for Business libraries in the form of file level encryption or file name obfuscation.
Read more or download the script
Microsoft 365, Azure, Automation & Code