Parsing a GET request in PHP with an Azure Function

While playing around with PHP (experimental support) in Azure Functions, I noticed that there is no documentation yet and very few examples, so here’s my first simple example on how to build an Azure Function using PHP to parse a very simple GET request.

I’m assuming you’ve set up your function, go into Files and edit the function.json file:


  "bindings": [
      "type": "httpTrigger",
      "direction": "in",
      "name": "req",
      "methods": [
      "authLevel": "function"
      "type": "http",
      "direction": "out",
      "name": "res"
  "disabled": false

This sets the function to listen to get requests and ignore the default Azure Table storage stuff.

Then open the run.php file and Continue reading Parsing a GET request in PHP with an Azure Function

On-Demand MSI customization using Azure Functions

This post describes how you can use the WIX Toolkit or any DLL file in an Azure Function, in this case to edit an MSI file on the fly. The WIX Toolkit is free, but only runs on Windows. Azure Functions run on Windows too, isn’t that nice 🙂

So, an example use case could be my OnedriveMapper MSI file, which is installed with a configuration GUID property by an admin to customize OnedriveMapper. If that GUID was already in the MSI, no such parameter would be necessary.

Using an Azure function in a download link or http request, we could insert a GUID on the fly and create personalized MSI files on demand.

I’ll leave other applications to your imagination, let’s get started!

  1. Download the WIX toolkit (binaries)
  2. Extra Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll
  3. Add it to the function files or host it at an URL somewhere. In my example, I’m hosting it at
  4. Add your MSI file to your function files or host it at an URL somewhere. In my example, I’m hosting it at
  5. Add the following code to the Azure Function:

Continue reading On-Demand MSI customization using Azure Functions

OnedriveMapper in Gitlab!

I’ve just moved OnedriveMapper’s code to a public GitLab repository. I’d like the code and download itself to live there from now on.

This allows you to discuss and submit issues with the script, and more importantly, it allows everyone to fork/branch and collaborate on making it even better!

I invite everyone to participate! Check it out here:

News and notifications about updates will of course still always be posted here.

Provisioning Exchange Online / Office 365 Custom Roles automatically from Okta

Natively, when connected to Office 365, Okta allows you to automatically provision users and/or groups. Additionally, Okta will assign licenses you select, and if configured, set predefined roles in Office 365. This means you have one locus of control, very nice.

Then, Exchange Online allows you to define custom roles where you can scope permissions for your users with far greater granularity compared to the default roles, Okta won’t detect or provision users into these custom roles.

As this was a business requirement for a customer, I coded up a small proof of concept you can schedule that will read membership of selected groups in Okta through the Okta API, then ensure that ONLY those members are in the matching role groups in Exchange Online.

Continue reading Provisioning Exchange Online / Office 365 Custom Roles automatically from Okta

Creating a Dynamic Group using the Graph API

Azure has a very nice feature called ‘Dynamic Groups‘. We use these in our customer tenants to dynamically generate a group with actual users, excluding Guest accounts (marked with #EXT#).

As I couldn’t find any articles detailing how to create a Dynamic Group through the Graph API, I’m posting this for whoever it helps 🙂

$dynamicGroupProperties = @{
    "description" = "Dynamic Group Created through the Graph API";
    "displayName" = "Dynamic Group Created through the Graph API";
    "groupTypes" = @("DynamicMembership");
    "mailEnabled" = $False;
    "mailNickname" = "testnickname";
    "membershipRule" = "(user.userPrincipalName -notContains `"#EXT#@`") -and (user.userType -ne `"Guest`")";
    "membershipRuleProcessingState" = "On";
    "securityEnabled" = $True

invoke-webrequest -Headers $headerParams -uri "" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $dynamicGroupProperties) -method POST -Verbose

If you’re not yet used to working with the Graph API, read up on how to connect to the Graph API using Powershell.