NOTE: this post has been superceded! Use the Microsoft AppService API to create or update your domains.
Tip: Jack Rudlin wrote a great post on using the API for this.
—-old content from here—
Lately I’ve been playing with custom domains in Azure, Microsoft has been allowing us to directly purchase domain in Azure for a while now. This leverages GoDaddy’s API, but Microsoft bills you for the domain, consolidating your domains, management and usage nicely in Azure.
The portal only allows you to purchase new domains, so how do you transfer existing domains to Azure DNS?
First you’ll need a transfer code, which you can get from your current DNS provider. Then, execute the following script:
Register-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.DomainRegistration $rgName = "NAME OF YOUR RESOURCE GROUP" $ResourceLocation = "Global" $ResourceName = "MYDOMAINNAME.NL" $PropertiesObject = @{ 'Consent' = @{ 'AgreementKeys' = @("DNPA","DNTA"); 'AgreedBy' = ''; #ip address you're running this script from 'AgreedAt' = '2017-17-07T08:37:40'; #roughly the current time }; 'authCode' = 'DOMAIN TRANSFER CODE'; #code by current domain provider 'Privacy' = 'true'; 'autoRenew' = 'true'; } New-AzureRmResource -ResourceName $ResourceName -Location $ResourceLocation -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $rgName -ResourceType Microsoft.DomainRegistration/domains -ApiVersion 2015-02-01 -VerboseIt will take a long time to run, but you’ll have a custom domain in Azure that you can now connect to websites and/or manage through AzureDNS.
Note: this only works for domains OLDER than 60 days and can take 5-7 days until the domain is usable in Azure, all domain records will be copied to an Azure DNS zone.