Category Archives: CSP

Deploying a service principal to (CSP) child tenants

Cloud Solution Providers, or sometimes other types of Managed Service Providers often have to manage a large number of tenants. Ideally, they do their ‘Infrastructure As Code’.

Using various API’s to manage tenants is best done using a Service Principal instead of a user (MFA, lifecycle, etc).

Recently, I was tasked to provide a deployment method of a Service Principal (multi-tenant) to all child tenants of an MSP, including programmatically granting various Graph API permissions. The Graph endpoint for this (oauth2PermissionGrants) is still in Beta, but the other methods I wrote about in the past are not as reliable so we’re using the Beta endpoint.

The linked example script creates an SPN and grants AuditLog.Read.All. If you’re an MSP/CSP, you’ll probably want to capture the tenant ID’s you’re installing into, so you can easily administer these tenants centrally using your main multi-tenant SPN.

Moving forwards, you won’t need an admin user / service account in the tenants you manage anymore, at least for the API’s that support SPN’s.

Note: to completely remove module dependencies / login, check my independent token function.

Reporting on global tenant storage usage and per site storage usage

As my employer is a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider, we want to monitor the total storage available and the total storage used by all of the tenants we manage under CSP, including storage used by Sharepoint and Teams. This called for a script!

per customer total storage usage overview

I slimmed down the resulting script to work for just a single tenant that you can use to generate an XLSX report of which of your sites / teams are nearing their assigned storage quota. You can either build your own alerting around this to raise site quota’s before your users upload too much data, or you can use it to buy additional storage from Microsoft before your tenant reaches the maximum quota 🙂

per site storage overview in excel

As usual, find it on Gitlab!

CSP delegation on non CSP azure subscriptions

If you’re a Cloud Solution Provider and you supply a CSP azure subscription to that tenant, your AdminAgents will have Owner access to that subscription by default. Lets say the customer also has an existing subscription (maybe a non-profit donation?).

When you add your accounts as Owner to the existing tenant’s (non-csp) subscription, your users are added as Guest accounts in the customer’s Azure AD. This removes the delegated CSP rights on the CSP subscription because the references to foreign accounts break due to the new guest accounts having the same UPN.

So, alternatively, use

Get-AzureRmRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/<CSP SUBSCRIPTION ID>

on the CSP subscription to get the Foreign Principal ID for your own tenant. Then use

New-AzureRMRoleAssignment -ObjectId <FOREIGN PRINCIPAL ID> -Scope "/subscriptions/ 
<EXISTING SUBSCRIPTION ID>" -RoleDefinitionName Owner

to add the foreign principal ID to the existing customer subscription to get delegated access 🙂