Exporting ALL file info in O365 (Sharepoint, Teams, Onedrive, Groups)

For a recent customer case, we needed a meta-data export of ALL files in the entire O365 tenant, filenames, dates, modifications, sizes and unique ID’s.

It is tricky to actually get everything (Teams especially) and to handle any MFA you may (SHOULD!!) have configured on your admin accounts, but here you are:


Note that your admin account does have to have permissions on all sources the script identifies.

More licenses and features

Pivot table of all Microsoft cloud suites and their features

I’ve updated the Microsoft cloud suites feature comparison page with all other suites Microsoft including all their features. I’ve also added all Education sku’s. You can use the pivot table to sort / mix / match according to your exact needs. If you need any assistance with Microsoft 365, don’t be a stranger 🙂