OnedriveMapper v3.15 released!

Version 3.15 of OneDriveMapper has been released:

  • MFA support for Phone Activation in Native Mode
  • MFA support for App Activation in Native Mode
  • Beta: automatic mapping of Teams, Sites and Groups that the user has favorited


The following URL shows the Teams, Sites and Groups your account has favorited (following):

If you set autoMapFavoriteSites to $True in the script configuration, the script will attempt to automatically assign free driveletters to all sites/teams/groups you’re following. This is, of course, beta functionality. I intend to add additional customization options for this feature in v3.16

As always, make sure to test before deploying to production, I’ve only tested Azure AD (no ADFS) setup, and note that MFA support can change quickly if Microsoft makes changes to the authentication process.

Get the new version here

Getting remoteapps through vm custom extension on Azure session brokers

So I wanted to retrieve the remoteapps present on VM’s in a uniform way, without logging in to either VM’s or database.

Using a custom extension, I tried to execute the Get-RDRemoteApp command and got the following:

Get-RDRemoteApp : A Remote Desktop Services deployment does not exist on server. This operation can be perfor
med after creating a deployment. For information about creating a deployment

Apparently, all the powershell commands for RDS require that you DON’T run them under SYSTEM. Of course VMExtensions run under SYSTEM. So, to get all remoteapps in a RDS deployment, execute the following Powershell script as VMExtension on a connection broker VM:


$farms = get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\CentralPublishedResources\PublishedFarms"
foreach($farm in $farms){
    (get-childItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\CentralPublishedResources\PublishedFarms\$($farm.PSChildName)\Applications").PSChildName

To register this Powershell script as a VM extension and retrieve the results

  1. Save the above PS code to a file
  2. Upload the file somewhere (e.g. public blob storage)
  3. Get the URL of the File
  4. Use Login-AzureRMAccount
  5. Execute Set-AzureRmVMCustomScriptExtension -FileUri URL TO SCRIPT -Run FILENAME OF SCRIPT -VMName VMNAME -Name “RetrieveRemoteApps” -ResourceGroupName RESOURCEGROUP NAME -location “westeurope” -ForceRerun $(New-Guid).Guid
  6. To retrieve the list (after execution): [regex]::Replace(((Get-AzureRmVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName RESOURCEGROUP NAME -VMName VM NAME -Name “RetrieveRemoteApps” -Status).SubStatuses[0].Message), “\\n”, “`n”)

Running an Azure runbook on a System hybrid worker

Azure Runbooks are usually run in the cloud (on an automatically assigned ‘Microsoft’ host) or on a Hybrid Worker Group.

Hybrid Worker Groups consist of 1 or more machines, but there are also ‘System hybrid workers’, which are machines monitored by OMS. If you want to execute a Powershell script directly on a specific System hybrid worker, or on a specific group member of a worker group, you can use Powershell and specify the host instead of the group:

Start-AzureRmAutomationRunbook -Name “RunbookName” -RunOn hybridWorkerName -AutomationAccountName “automationaccount” -ResourceGroupName “resourcegroup”

If you try this on a System Hybrid Worker, you’ll get an error on the device itself and in the runbook results:

“Invalid Runbook xxx Authenticode signature status – NotSigned”.

This can be ‘fixed’ by setting the following registry key to ‘False’:


Et voila, the runbook runs nicely. I do not recommend disabling this key in production, this article is purely to share knowledge, and if someone knows how to do this without disabling this key, I’d love to hear it!