Change Office 365 portal language for synced users

Users cannot change the display language of the Office 365 portal themselves if they are synced users, and they’ll receive an error. If you attempt to do this as an administrator using a Powershell command to set the PreferredLanguage attribute directly like this:

set-msoluser -userprincipalname "xxx" -PreferredLanguage "en-US"

You will see this error:

set-msoluser : Unable to update parameter. Parameter name: PreferredLanguage.
At line:1 char:1
+ set-msoluser -userprincipalname xxx -preferredlanguage "en-US"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [Set-MsolUser], MicrosoftOnlineException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.PropertyNotSettableException,Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.SetUser

You can only set the PreferredLanguage attribute on non-synced users because this property is managed by dirsync/aadsync, and thus only settable on your onpremises Active Directory. Use ADSIEdit or Powershell to change the PreferredLanguage property locally for your users and then run a sync to change the language in Office 365.

Here’s an example PS snippet that will set (bulk change) the preferredLanguage Active Directory atrribute of all your users to Dutch:

Get-AdUser -Filter * -ResultSetSize 9999 | Set-ADUser -Replace @{‘preferredLanguage’=”nl-NL”}

If you need to look up your own language code, you can do so here

Note: if the PreferredLanguage attribute is not set, language will default to English.

ADFS v2 to v3 side by side migration for Office 365

Some time ago we built a second ADFS farm at our datacenter. We knew we had to upgrade to v3 at some point, but wanted to keep our v2 farm intact so we could always do a rollback. We also wanted to use a new domain name for our brand new Windows 2012 R2 ADFS cluster, including the WAP proxies.

Setting all this up proved fairly easy, ADFS v3 was Continue reading ADFS v2 to v3 side by side migration for Office 365

OneDriveMapper released!

Map your OneDrive for Business to a driveletter automatically!

Imagine the following scenario: you get an awesome offer from Microsoft; unlimited, free storage in OneDrive for all your students!

You immediately sign the deal, and scrap all plans to invest in a new fileserver to replace your currently overflowing fileserver containing all student’s data.

Your students work on Continue reading OneDriveMapper released!

Error 0x80075227 and 0x8007520C on a Web Application Proxy 2012R2

Today while implementing a KEMP load balancing solution for ADFS v3 and WAP together with a colleague, I ran into errors on my WAP servers. Both seemed to be connected fine, the IdpInitiatedSignon.aspx page worked….but when I tried to run Get-WebApplicationProxyADFSRelyingParty in Powershell, I got 0x80075227 to chew on.

At first just ADFS+WAP, load balanced, worked, this error surfaced when we added a Non Claims Aware trust to a Sharepoint 2013 Kerberos enabled server so we could publish it using Windows Authentication (which we needed for various BI / Excel components that require Kerberos). The Sharepoint servers were also load balanced, we expect the KEMP has issues with SNI.

Connecting the WAP server directly to ADFS, without the KEMP load balancer in between solved this issue for now, we’re still looking into the configuration of the KEMP with their technicians to find a way to load balance this effectively without compromising on security.

Update: our engineer who worked with KEMP reported that an extra VIP was required because of SNI.