Deploying a service principal to (CSP) child tenants

Cloud Solution Providers, or sometimes other types of Managed Service Providers often have to manage a large number of tenants. Ideally, they do their ‘Infrastructure As Code’.

Using various API’s to manage tenants is best done using a Service Principal instead of a user (MFA, lifecycle, etc).

Recently, I was tasked to provide a deployment method of a Service Principal (multi-tenant) to all child tenants of an MSP, including programmatically granting various Graph API permissions. The Graph endpoint for this (oauth2PermissionGrants) is still in Beta, but the other methods I wrote about in the past are not as reliable so we’re using the Beta endpoint.

The linked example script creates an SPN and grants AuditLog.Read.All. If you’re an MSP/CSP, you’ll probably want to capture the tenant ID’s you’re installing into, so you can easily administer these tenants centrally using your main multi-tenant SPN.

Moving forwards, you won’t need an admin user / service account in the tenants you manage anymore, at least for the API’s that support SPN’s.

Note: to completely remove module dependencies / login, check my independent token function.

Upserting Data to Azure SQL DB using PowerShell

For a project involving Azure Security I needed to store fairly large amounts of data in an Azure PaaS database using PowerShell.

If a row already exists, I want to do an UPDATE command, otherwise an INSERT command, also known as an UPSERT in SQL.

It should also use parameters to avoid issues with quotes in fields, and should convert PowerShell null’s/empty objects to the SQL equivalent.

The following function is what resulted, it only supports a single WHERE clause, but should be easy to enhance for those looking to improve đŸ™‚

function invoke-sqlUpsert{
        [Array]$values, # example: @(@{"column"="deviceId";"value"="123415";"dataType"=[Data.SQLDBType]::NVarChar})
        [PSObject]$primaryKey, # example: @{"column"="deviceId";"value"="123415";"dataType"=[Data.SQLDBType]::NVarChar}

    $sqlQuery = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;
    UPDATE $tableName
        SET "
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $values.Count;$i++){
        $sqlQuery = "$sqlQuery$($values[$i].column)=@$($values[$i].column)"
        if($i -lt $values.Count-1){
            $sqlQuery = "$sqlQuery,"
    $sqlQuery = "$($sqlQuery)
        WHERE $($primaryKey.column) = @$($primaryKey.column);
    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
            INSERT INTO $tableName ($($primaryKey.column),"
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $values.Count;$i++){
        $sqlQuery = "$sqlQuery$($values[$i].column)"
        if($i -lt $values.Count-1){
            $sqlQuery = "$sqlQuery,"
    $sqlQuery = "$($sqlQuery)
            VALUES (@$($primaryKey.column),"
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $values.Count;$i++){
        $sqlQuery = "$($sqlQuery)@$($values[$i].column)"
        if($i -lt $values.Count-1){
            $sqlQuery = "$sqlQuery,"
    $sqlQuery = "$($sqlQuery));

    $sqlCmd=new-object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sqlQuery, $sqlConn)
    $sqlCmd.Parameters.Add((New-OBJECT DATA.SQLClient.SQLParameter("@$($primaryKey.column)",$primaryKey.dataType))) | OUT-NULL
    $sqlCmd.Parameters[0].Value = $primaryKey.value
    for($i = 0;$i -lt $values.Count;$i++){
        $sqlCmd.Parameters.Add((New-OBJECT DATA.SQLClient.SQLParameter("@$($values[$i].column)",$values[$i].dataType))) | OUT-NULL
        $sqlCmd.Parameters[$i+1].Value = $values[$i].value

    for($i=0;$i -lt $sqlCmd.Parameters.count;$i++){
        if($sqlCmd.Parameters[$i].Value -eq $null){
            $sqlCmd.Parameters[$i].Value = [System.DBNull]::Value
    if($sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() -ne 1){
        Throw $_

An example of how to connect from an Azure Function before using this command:

using namespace System.Data.SqlClient
using namespace System.Net
$msi_authenticationResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{'Secret' = $env:MSI_SECRET} -Uri ($env:MSI_ENDPOINT +'?resource=')
$sqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source =; Initial Catalog = yourdatabase"
$sqlConn.AccessToken = $msi_authenticationResult.access_token