Deploying a service principal to (CSP) child tenants

Cloud Solution Providers, or sometimes other types of Managed Service Providers often have to manage a large number of tenants. Ideally, they do their ‘Infrastructure As Code’.

Using various API’s to manage tenants is best done using a Service Principal instead of a user (MFA, lifecycle, etc).

Recently, I was tasked to provide a deployment method of a Service Principal (multi-tenant) to all child tenants of an MSP, including programmatically granting various Graph API permissions. The Graph endpoint for this (oauth2PermissionGrants) is still in Beta, but the other methods I wrote about in the past are not as reliable so we’re using the Beta endpoint.

The linked example script creates an SPN and grants AuditLog.Read.All. If you’re an MSP/CSP, you’ll probably want to capture the tenant ID’s you’re installing into, so you can easily administer these tenants centrally using your main multi-tenant SPN.

Moving forwards, you won’t need an admin user / service account in the tenants you manage anymore, at least for the API’s that support SPN’s.

Note: to completely remove module dependencies / login, check my independent token function.

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