Running OnedriveMapper from a shortcut

In some cases, your users might not want to use OnedriveMapper as a logon script, but want to manually start it, or both.

Powershell execution policy, and generally the complexity involved for most users in starting scripts can be avoided by building a ‘smart’ shortcut to the script with the following line as the ‘target’:

%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File “C:\Program Files (x86)\\OnedriveMapper\OnedriveMapper_v3.17.ps1”

Obviously you’ll have to modify the path used there 🙂

How to start a “Trigger Start” windows service with Powershell without elevation / admin rights

Some Windows services can be triggered to start at certain events. These services have ‘Tigger Start’ in their startup name behind whatever you configured (like Manual).

Powershell does not have a native method to register the type of event that triggers such a service, C++ and C# do…..and Powershell can natively run C#.

To trigger a service, you’ll need its guid first:

run sc triggerinfo <SERVICENAME>

This will give you a GUID, for example for the WebClient service:


You can then use this GUID in the following script to trigger your service from Powershell 🙂 Continue reading How to start a “Trigger Start” windows service with Powershell without elevation / admin rights

OnedriveMapper v2.45 released!

Version 2.45 of OneDriveMapper has been released!

  • Better Sharepoint Online cookie generation to avoid error 224 when on a slow internet connection
  • bugfix in username selection when using ForceUsername
  • slightly more tolerant ADJoin SSO detection
  • now adds appropriate websites as wildcard to trusted sites list (when not being forced by a gpo)

Get the new version here