Do not forget to enable the Unified Audit Log

Office 365 and all related services have various forms of auditing options, it’s a pain to monitor and configure them all.

A while back, Microsoft unified these auditing logs into the Unified Audit Log. The Unified Audit Log for Office 365 is super easy to configure.

For all my customers I always enable this free feature, it is pretty much the only way you can have a RPO of 0 when you need to undo changes / deletes or restore data, and gives you a very nice and compliant audit log of everything your users and admins do in your environment.

In addition, it allows me to help you automatically reverse nasty CryptoLocker actions like mass file and folder renames and restore previous versions in bulk.

edit: you can also enable the audit log programatically

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[…] recommend turning on the Universal Audit log before […]


[…] For our enrollment process of customers in Office 365, we enable the Unified Audit Log by default, as this has a great number of benefits. […]

Alex Pruneau
Alex Pruneau
8 years ago

Thank you Jos i just turned On