Category Archives: Sharepoint Online

Ultimate folder redirection for Onedrive, Teams and Sharepoint

Update: a more lightweight/simpler version of this script is available here:

In the post-Onedrivemapper era where we have Files On Demand, there is still room for improvement in client side configuration of Onedrive for Business. Onedrive Known Folders isn’t up to par yet, doesn’t support any customization and there are situations where I want to be able to redirect local folders to other places than Onedrive like Teams or Sharepoint.

Therefore I present to you “Invoke-O4BAutoMount“; the ultimate Onedrive/Sharepoint/Teams sync and redirect solution in modern workplace scenario’s, no WebDav, just the NSG Onedrive Client and native Intune Management Extension:

Continue reading Ultimate folder redirection for Onedrive, Teams and Sharepoint

Uploading a file to onedrive for business with Python

For a Raspberry Pi project that’ll take a number of pictures of my house for an as of yet unknown period of time I’m sharing my very first Python script with you.

All it has to do is upload all files from a given folder to a given Onedrive for Business path, as obviously the Pi can’t store much data on its tiny SD card. You’ll need to register an azure ad app and give it the appropriate permissions. You’ll have to consent to the application once (url format ={client-id}).

Then schedule below Python script on your Pi, it will retrieve an Azure token without the need for external libraries, parse the directory and upload everything in it to the given onedrive for business URL, simple as that! It can also be used for Sharepoint or Teams by adjusting the path.

import requests 
import json
directory = r"c:\temp\uploads"
data = {'grant_type':"client_credentials", 
URL = ""
r = = URL, data = data) 
j = json.loads(r.text)
TOKEN = j["access_token"]
URL = ""
headers={'Authorization': "Bearer " + TOKEN}
r = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
j = json.loads(r.text)
print("Uploading file(s) to "+URL)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
    for filename in files:
        filepath = os.path.join(root,filename)
        print("Uploading "+filename+"....")
        fileHandle = open(filepath, 'rb')
        r = requests.put(URL+"/"+filename+":/content", data=fileHandle, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201:
            #remove folder contents
            print("succeeded, removing original file...")
            os.remove(os.path.join(root, filename)) 
print("Script completed")
raise SystemExit

Reporting on global tenant storage usage and per site storage usage

As my employer is a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider, we want to monitor the total storage available and the total storage used by all of the tenants we manage under CSP, including storage used by Sharepoint and Teams. This called for a script!

per customer total storage usage overview

I slimmed down the resulting script to work for just a single tenant that you can use to generate an XLSX report of which of your sites / teams are nearing their assigned storage quota. You can either build your own alerting around this to raise site quota’s before your users upload too much data, or you can use it to buy additional storage from Microsoft before your tenant reaches the maximum quota 🙂

per site storage overview in excel

As usual, find it on Gitlab!

Finding files in Sharepoint Online or Teams that exceed 218 path length

Update: new version of this script with GUI here 🙂

A well known issue when migrating to Office 365 (Sharepoint, Teams and Onedrive) is path length.

Recently, Microsoft increased the maximum path length in Sharepoint Online from 256 to 400 characters (total length of the URL). This causes issues when you use Office, because Office 2013, 2016 and 2019 do not support paths over 218 characters in length.*

To help you proactively identify files that exceed this limit I wrote a PowerShell script you can run:

  • it can filter based on file type
  • automatically finds and processes all sharepoint sites in your tenant
  • automatically finds and processes all team sites in your tenant
  • it can handle multi-factor authentication

Find get-filesWithLongPathsInOffice365.ps1 on GitLab

It leans heavily on the great work done by the community around OfficePnP, all credits to the community for providing so much quality code for free!

*longer paths may still work, this is not a hard limit