As you may have heard/read at MSIgnite 2017, there is a new migration tool for Sharepoint to Sharepoint and Fileserver to Sharepoint migrations!
So, I will most likely discontinue maintenance of O365Migrator 🙂
As you may have heard/read at MSIgnite 2017, there is a new migration tool for Sharepoint to Sharepoint and Fileserver to Sharepoint migrations!
So, I will most likely discontinue maintenance of O365Migrator 🙂
MS should have consulted you. Their tool sucks, even for a beta. Yours is a life saver. Keep up the great work!
[…] Originally Posted by mariohi You are looking for this: O365Migrator | Liebensraum and this OneDriveMapper | Liebensraum Not the migrator tool. The author himself admits that the tool I suggested negates the need for his. New Sharepoint Migration Tool | Liebensraum […]
They released half of it. They don’t pre-prevision nor assign permissions. Their tool is not complete! Please continue to support O365 Migrator!