Category Archives: Powershell

Office 365 automated license management part 1

If you’ve been administering or enrolling tenants for Office 365, you’ve dealt with Licenses.

In Office 365 (or Azure and Intune!), various licensing plans are available and can be upgraded or downgraded at will quite flexibly.

However, the user interface for this is extremely limited when you start working with large numbers of users or start working with non O365 specific licenses such as EMS and there is no place or method to keep an amdministration or rulebase of who should have what license.

I’m writing a series of scripts to bulk automate user licensing in Continue reading Office 365 automated license management part 1

Multi-Threading Powershell script to Check and Repair numerous Exchange databases

For a global customer with terrabytes of Exchange 2013 data, I recently wrote a multi-threading powershell script I’d like to share with everyone.

The use case was an integrity check of the database backups prior to Exchange maintenance. First we have to commit all log files to a large number of databases, then run a surface or deep check on these databases before we can be relatively sure a restore won’t fail. Continue reading Multi-Threading Powershell script to Check and Repair numerous Exchange databases

OneDriveMapper released!

Map your OneDrive for Business to a driveletter automatically!

Imagine the following scenario: you get an awesome offer from Microsoft; unlimited, free storage in OneDrive for all your students!

You immediately sign the deal, and scrap all plans to invest in a new fileserver to replace your currently overflowing fileserver containing all student’s data.

Your students work on Continue reading OneDriveMapper released!

O365Uploader V0.4

Due to popular request,  I’ve added an analyze function to the O365Uploader. After choosing your folder to be uploaded, a popup will ask you if you wish to see an analysis of potential issues and suggested fixes for your content. Everthing will both be written to the Powershell console in the background and a detailed log file which can be used in MS Excel.

You can download the new version here.

Other changes:

  • Added check for period in folder/file name
  • Added check for various illegal suffixes in filenames
  • Added verification prompt before upload to log all issues to a file beforehand so it can be fixed in advance
  • Added warning for 5000+ items
  • Added warning for hidden files (start with an _ )