If you want to figure out when your users last logged on, perhaps to clean up licenses in use by dormant accounts, the following Powershell code may help you.
#Copyright: Free to use, please leave this header intact
#Author: Jos Lieben (OGD)
#Company: OGD (http://www.ogd.nl)
#Purpose: Generate a CSV file with last logon times of all Office 365 users
$csv = "c:\temp\LastLogons_$(Get-Date -format dd_MM_yyyy).csv"
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
$users = get-mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | select UserPrincipalName
Foreach ($user in $users){
$mbx = get-mailboxstatistics -Identity $($user.UserPrincipalName) | Select LastLogonTime
$upn = $user.UserPrincipalName
if ($mbx.LastLogonTime -eq $null){
$res = "Never"
$res = $mbx.LastLogonTime
$outStr = "$upn,$res"
Out-File -FilePath $csv -InputObject $outStr -Encoding UTF8 -append
Managing permissions on your user’s Onedrive for Business storage is a chore, there is no direct interface to do this in bulk, nor is the interface very easy to find. Plenty of articles explain how to do this for ONE user through the GUI, but few explain how to do this in bulk for several users at once.
And when you’re migrating, for example, hundreds or thousands of homedirectories to Onedrive For Business, you’ll want to automate setting permissions on all these users in bulk.
Since the inception of the OneDriveMapper script, I’ve often been asked if there is a way to pre-provision Onedrive for Business storage for users.
When a user signs into Office 365 for the first time and clicks Onedrive, their Onedrive for Business storage will be allocated and initialized, before that, it is not possible to map their OneDrive storage, or sometimes more importantly: to migrate data to it.
As a good consultant or IT admin, you don’t want to force your users to do this before they can map their drive or before you migrate their data because you like to automate things, repetitive or manual process tend to be unreliable.
If you’ve been administering or enrolling tenants for Office 365, you’ve dealt with Licenses.
In Office 365 (or Azure and Intune!), various licensing plans are available and can be upgraded or downgraded at will quite flexibly.
However, the user interface for this is extremely limited when you start working with large numbers of users or start working with non O365 specific licenses such as EMS and there is no place or method to keep an amdministration or rulebase of who should have what license.