Category Archives: Intune

Redirecting anything to Onedrive for Business

A while ago I wrote a script that can mount Teams Libraries and then redirect any local folder to them.

In many situations, this solution is a little overkill though, so I’ve also created a second version which simply allows you to redirect any local folder (including variable paths!) to any location in a user’s Onedrive folder.

The configuration is set through the registry, an example file is included.

It can be used as a onetimer or as logonscript, and it can also be used to migrate existing content or create hard links for specific local appdata folders.

Lightweight LAPS solution for INtune (MEM)

UPDATE: LeanLAPS has finally been ‘superceded’ by Microsoft’s own LAPS 🙂

The main differences between Microsoft AAD LAPS and LeanLAPS:

  1. MS Won’t enable the account if it’s disabled.
  2. MS Won’t create the account if it doesn’t exist.
  3. MS Won’t add it to Administrators group if it’s not a member.
  4. MS Won’t remove accounts from Administrators group if they’re not supposed to be there.
  5. MS has an AAD integrated GUI and RBAC
  6. LeanLAPS requires P2 licensing because it used Proactive Remediations


Managing local admin accounts using Intune has a lot of quirks, my tele-colleague Rudy Ooms has already written extensively about this. He also wrote a PowerShell solution to rotate a specific local admin’s password and had the genius idea of using Proactive Remediations (a MEM feature) to display passwords to admins, integrated / free in the Intune Console.

However, I felt I needed a more lightweight solution that;

  • does not require/modify registry keys
  • does not store the password locally
  • can encrypt the password if desired
  • does not need separate detection and remediation scripts
  • automatically provisions a local admin account
  • can remove any other local admin accounts if desired
  • can whitelist approved admins or groups from AzureAD or Active Directory
  • is language/locale-agnostic (e.g. ‘Administrators’ vs ‘Administradores’….)

Thus LeanLAPS was born!

To install/use:

1. head into the Proactive Remediations section of MDE and click Create script package:

2. Fill out some details:

3. Download and doublecheck the config of LeanLAPS.ps1 (e.g. configure if other local admins should be removed, what the local admin name should be and the password length). Make sure to use NotePad++ / that the file stays UTF-8 Encoded without a BOM.

4. Set both the detection and remediation script to LeanLAPS.ps1 and run it in 64 bit:

5. Assign to a group and deploy. By default it will run every day, but you can also let it run more or less frequently, which determines how often the password is reset (hourly in below example):

6. Deploy, and then click on the script package:

7. Go to Device status and add both output columns:

Congratulations, you can now see the current local admin passwords for all managed Windows 10 devices!

Note: if you wish to trigger a quick remediation, delete the correct keys under Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\SideCarPolicies\Scripts\Execution and Reports in the client’s registry, then restart the IntuneManagementExtension service and the remediation will re-run within 5 minutes.

8. If you want to display an encrypted password in Intune, generate a public and private key and configure the resulting values in gui.ps1 and leanLAPS.ps1

9. If you don’t want LeanLAPS to remove certain preapproved admins or groups as admin, make sure to configure the $approvedAdmins variable.


If you provide e.g. your helpdesk with the correct Intune roles, they will be able to see local admin passwords as reported by above solution:


The community, in the form of Colton Lacy, also added an optional GUI frontend for LeanLAPS which you could use for e.g. helpdesk staff:


If your passwords don’t rotate correctly, check

Configuring the Windows 10 Pro Lock Screen using MEM

Windows 10 Enterprise supports a specific MEM policy to configure the Windows 10 Lock screen for End-users. If you’re unlucky enough to be on a lesser Windows 10 version, you’ll need to trick the OS into thinking the lock screen is modified by the user instead of through a policy.

Here’s a simple ARM template for blob storage and a PS script to deploy through MEM in user context to configure the lock screen of your users:

1-click ARM template

And the script itself (don’t forget to configure the image URL):

    Sets custom lock screen based on file in an Azure Storage Blob container
    See blob template to automatically configure a blob container:
    filename: set-windows10LockScreen.ps1
    author: Jos Lieben
    created: 13/05/2021

$changedDate = "2021-05-13"
$lockscreenFileURL = "" #this is the full URL to the desired lock screen image

Start-Transcript -Path (Join-Path -Path $Env:TEMP -ChildPath "set-windows10LockScreen.log")

$tempFile = (Join-Path $Env:TEMP -ChildPath "img100.jpg")

    Write-Output "downloading lock screen file from $lockscreenFileURL"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $lockscreenFileURL -UseBasicParsing -Method GET -OutFile $tempFile
    Write-Output "file downloaded to $tempFile"
    Write-Output "Failed to download file, aborting"
    Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

[Windows.System.UserProfile.LockScreen,Windows.System.UserProfile,ContentType=WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime

$asTaskGeneric = ([System.WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions].GetMethods() | ? { $_.Name -eq 'AsTask' -and $_.GetParameters().Count -eq 1 -and $_.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.Name -eq 'IAsyncOperation`1' })[0]
Function Await($WinRtTask, $ResultType) {
    $asTask = $asTaskGeneric.MakeGenericMethod($ResultType)
    $netTask = $asTask.Invoke($null, @($WinRtTask))
    $netTask.Wait(-1) | Out-Null

Function AwaitAction($WinRtAction) {
    $asTask = ([System.WindowsRuntimeSystemExtensions].GetMethods() | ? { $_.Name -eq 'AsTask' -and $_.GetParameters().Count -eq 1 -and !$_.IsGenericMethod })[0]
    $netTask = $asTask.Invoke($null, @($WinRtAction))
    $netTask.Wait(-1) | Out-Null

[Windows.Storage.StorageFile,Windows.Storage,ContentType=WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null
	$image = Await ([Windows.Storage.StorageFile]::GetFileFromPathAsync($tempFile)) ([Windows.Storage.StorageFile])
    Write-Output "Image loaded from $tempFile"
}catch {
    Write-Output "Failed to load image from $tempFile"
    Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Write-Output "Setting image as lock screen image"
    AwaitAction ([Windows.System.UserProfile.LockScreen]::SetImageFileAsync($image))
    Write-Output "$tempFile configured as lock screen image"
    Remove-Item -Path $tempFile -Force -Confirm:$False
    Write-Output "Failed to set lock screen image"
    Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Write-Output "Script complete"


Deploying in user context:

Distributing Teams Backgrounds to all users using MEM

I’ve seen a few examples of distributing a set of teams backgrounds to users in MEM, mostly they seemed a little overly complex, especially in targetting all local users and/or packaging the script into an application. I wanted to:

  • Deploy using MEM PS script in user context
  • Avoid access controls on the storage location of the backgrounds
  • Simplify the creation of required Azure resources
  • Have a simple update procedure

Here’s my take, first autocreate a blob storage location using my template:

Note down the name you used for the storage account (which was the only parameter to the template), and use it to configure this PowerShell script:

Finally, deploy the script to a group of your users in MEM, in their own context:

Self scheduling cleanup job for MEM kiosk machines

Normally I’d recommend using the Unified Write Filter in Windows 10 to keep Kiosk machines in a semi-decent state.

For a customer that did not have this luxury, I wrote a tiny self-scheduling PowerShell script that will run as SYSTEM and clean up any of the specified folders in any of the user profiles on the machine.

This example can be used for many purposes to drop a script and maintain a scheduled task. Redeploying it will overwrite the dropped script and scheduled task as per the new config.

Git link or direct code here:

#Module name:      Invoke-wipeSpecifiedProfileFolders
#Author:           Jos Lieben
#Author Blog:
#Date:             18-12-2020
#License:          Free to use and modify non-commercially, leave headers intact. For commercial use, contact me
#Purpose:          Delete all files in the specified folder names in all user profiles on the machine, self-installs as a scheduled task
#Setup:            Deploy to machines, in system context
#Requirements:     Windows 10 build 1803 or higher

$folderWipeList = "Downloads,Network Shortcuts,Temp,Documents" #comma seperated list of folders to wipe

$desiredScriptFolder = Join-Path $env:ProgramData -ChildPath ""
$desiredScriptPath = Join-Path $desiredScriptFolder -ChildPath "Invoke-wipeSpecifiedProfileFolders.ps1"
    New-Item -Path $desiredScriptFolder -Type Directory -Force
Start-Transcript -Path (Join-Path $desiredScriptFolder -ChildPath "\folderWiperInstaller.log")

Write-Output "Configuring scheduled task..."

$taskname = "Invoke-wipeSpecifiedProfileFolders"
$taskdescription = "Delete all files in the specified folder names in all user profiles on the machine"
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' -Argument "-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File `"$desiredScriptPath`""
$triggers =  @()
$triggers += (New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup)
$triggers += (New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 23:00)
$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -ExecutionTimeLimit (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 5) -RestartCount 3 -RestartInterval (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1)
$task = Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $triggers -TaskName $taskname -Description $taskdescription -Settings $settings -User "System" -Force -RunLevel Highest

Write-Output "task info: "
Write-Output $task

Write-Output "Writing script file to local disk..."

$scriptContent = "
Start-Transcript -Path (Join-Path $desiredScriptFolder -ChildPath `"\folderWiper.log`")
`$folderWipeList = `"$folderwipeList`"
`$folderWipeList = `$folderwipeList.Split(`",`")
Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' | ForEach-Object {
    `$rootPath =  `$_.GetValue('ProfileImagePath') 
    Write-Output `"Parsing folders in `$rootPath`"
    `$childItems = `$Null
    `$childItems = Get-ChildItem -Path `$rootPath -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse -Force | where{`$folderWipeList -contains `$_.BaseName}
    	foreach(`$folder in `$childItems){
    		Write-Output `"Wiping matched folder: `$(`$folder.FullName)`"
    		Get-ChildItem -Path `$folder.FullName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse -Confirm:`$False


Set-Content -Value $scriptContent -Path $desiredScriptPath -Force -Confirm:$False

Write-Output "Starting script as task for the first time..."

Start-ScheduledTask -InputObject $task

Write-Output "Install script has finished running"
