Category Archives: Sharepoint Online

Migrating files and folders to Onedrive for Business and Sharepoint Online without user interaction part 1

This is the first post in a series about moving to Onedrive for Business and/or Sharepoint Online from traditional fileshares and/or homedirectories, in bulk, without user interaction.


  1. Making your data compliant with Office 365 standards, and keeping it that way
  2. Moving the data (in bulk)
  3. User and endpoint transitioning

Many of my employer’s clients are transitioning to a Cloud First IT model. Think triple A, work anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

This poses a number of challenges on Continue reading Migrating files and folders to Onedrive for Business and Sharepoint Online without user interaction part 1

O365BulkDatacleaner released

The first public version of the O365BulkDatacleaner has been released.

This script is an addition to O365Datacleaner and will allow you to run the original script over many target locations simultaneously, using a CSV file as input.

This is the simplest and most reliable method currently available to make, for example, all the data on your fileservers spread out over homedirectories completely compliant with Onedrive for Business or Sharepoint Online’s requirements.

Viewing permissions on a Sharepoint Online site with Powershell

If you want to use the Sharepoint Online Management Shell module for Powershell to view user permissions on your Sharepoint Online site, start a Powershell window as admin. If you’re not running as admin you’ll have to add the module path to your environment variable like this:

$env:PSModulePath += ";C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\"

Then load the SPO module:

Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

And connect to your sharepoint tenant: Continue reading Viewing permissions on a Sharepoint Online site with Powershell

Sharepoint Online going from 10GB to 1TB (+500MB) per tenant

Do you remember Microsoft raised the maximum storage in Sharepoint Online to 1TB last year?

Well, if you look at the Office 365 roadmap, Microsoft has announced it is also increasing the FREE storage each tenant gets by default to 1TB (from 10GB) in Sharepoint Online. The additional SP Online storage per licensed user remains the same at 500MB / user.

That could save us up to 200$ / month 🙂

Setting administrative permissions on all your Onedrive for Business accounts

Managing permissions on your user’s Onedrive for Business storage is a chore, there is no direct interface to do this in bulk, nor is the interface very easy to find. Plenty of articles explain how to do this for ONE user through the GUI, but few explain how to do this in bulk for several users at once.

And when you’re migrating, for example, hundreds or thousands of homedirectories to Onedrive For Business, you’ll want to automate setting permissions on all these users in bulk.

Fortunately, this can be scripted using Powershell, probably after you’ve bulk-provisioned your users in Continue reading Setting administrative permissions on all your Onedrive for Business accounts