Category Archives: Identity

Inviting an external user to a PowerApp programmatically

Another week, another use case for Managed Identities in Automation Accounts!

The scenario today concerns a PowerApp and connected resources that should be shared with external identities, automatically of course. For each user this requires a guest account in the host / resource tenant, and a license. The license can be applied in the home tenant of the guest, or in your tenant.

Key points:

  1. Runbook that invites a user and adds the resulting guest account to a security group
  2. Security group gives access to the PowerApp and underlying (SpO) resources, and uses Group Based Licensing to license the guest for PowerApps and Sharepoint Online
  3. Logic App that is triggered by the PowerApp (trigger on create item in a sharepoint list), and starts the runbook
  4. When the invited user (guest) redeems the invitation, they are directed to a Sharepoint page first so Sharepoint syncs their profile. Otherwise, the PowerApp will not have access to any lists in Sharepoint Online as Guests are not synced to SpO until they access SpO directly.

I may demo the PowerApp, Logic App and Sharepoint lists at some point, but the main thing I wanted to share today is the Azure Runbook that creates the Guest invitation and adds the Guest to a security group using the Managed Identity of the Automation account, instead of service accounts or other pre-2021 solutions:

License reports by a Managed Identity

Capitalizing on the huge advantages that managed identities in Azure offer, here’s another use case similar to the scheduled migration script that also uses it’s managed identity (and graph permissions) to autonomously run as an Azure Runbook without any credentials stored.

The script will log in to Graph, retrieve all unique license types and how they are assigned to users, and will then email an HTML report (table) the the specified recipient, order by email domain.

Sensitive group protection

It is best practise in IT to secure access to resources with Groups.

Membership of a security group means access to whatever resources are secured by that group. Sometimes these groups are self-managed by an owner, sometimes centrally.

In all cases, fairly low privileged users, that are not global admins, can add users to these groups including themselves. Imagine that you have a group called ‘Global Admins’, and your helpdesk user assigns himself to that group. You’d like to know right?

With Privileged Access Groups in Azure AD (Preview) you can protect groups like these actively, but, this requires a P2 license and still lacks some customization features.

An alternative method is to use a simple alerting rule in MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security), where you set an alert when ‘someone’ joins a specific group, or if you want to do more than alerting you could also run an automation playbook.

Here’s how to protect a specific Azure AD or Office 365 group with MCAS:

  1. look up its GUID in AzureAD
  2. Create an Activity Policy in the MCAS console
  3. Specify the group GUID as ‘Activity object ID’ in the policy and the correct action type:

Calling Graph and other API’s silently for an MFA enabled account

The Graph and other Microsoft API’s should be called using a Service Principal whenever possible. But some endpoints (such as the ‘hidden’ azure api) don’t support service principals and require an actual user to call it.

Of course, users that have privileges in your organisation are protected with MFA / conditional access or you wouldn’t be reading my blog 🙂

Below script circumvents MFA by hijacking a refresh token which normally isn’t returned/exposed to the user. It then encrypts and caches it locally and refreshes and reuses it the next time it is called. As refresh tokens expire after 90 days of inactivity by default, you won’t see an MFA prompt again as long as the script runs at least once every 90 days.


  1. Az.Accounts module
  2. User account
  3. Onetime MFA prompt completion

Method 1: Code at Gitlab (requires Az.Accounts module)

Method 2: Code at GitLab (does not require any modules)

Method 1 example:

    Retrieve graph or other azure tokens as desired (e.g. for and bypass MFA by repeatedly recaching the RefreshToken stolen from the TokenCache of the Az module.
    Only the first login will require an interactive login, subsequent logins will not require interactivity and will bypass MFA.

    This script is without warranty and not for commercial use without prior consent from the author. It is meant for scenario's where you need an Azure token to automate something that cannot yet be done with service principals.
    If your refresh token expires (default 90 days of inactivity) you'll have to rerun the script interactively.

    $graphToken = get-azResourceTokenSilently -userUPN
    the UPN of the user you need a token for (that is MFA enabled or protected by a CA policy)
    .PARAMETER refreshTokenCachePath
    Path to encrypted token cache if you don't want to use the default
    .PARAMETER tenantId
    If supplied, logs in to specified tenant, optional and only required if you're using Azure B2B
    .PARAMETER resource
    Resource your token is for, e.g. "" would give a token for the Graph API
    .PARAMETER refreshToken
    If supplied, this is used to update the token cache and interactive login will not be required. This parameter is meant as an alternative to that initial first time interactive login
    filename: get-azResourceTokenSilently.ps1
    author: Jos Lieben
    created: 09/04/2020
    $refreshTokenCachePath=(Join-Path $env:APPDATA -ChildPath ""),

$strCurrentTimeZone = (Get-WmiObject win32_timezone).StandardName
$TZ = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($strCurrentTimeZone)
[datetime]$origin = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

    $tenantId = (Invoke-RestMethod "$($userUPN.Split("@")[1])/.well-known/openid-configuration" -Method GET).userinfo_endpoint.Split("/")[3]

        write-verbose "checking provided refresh token and updating it"
        $response = (Invoke-RestMethod "$tenantId/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$refreshToken" -ErrorAction Stop)
        $refreshToken = $response.refresh_token
        $AccessToken = $response.access_token
        write-verbose "refresh and access token updated"
        Write-Output "Failed to use cached refresh token, need interactive login or token from cache"   
        $refreshToken = $False 

if([System.IO.File]::Exists($refreshTokenCachePath) -and !$refreshToken){
        write-verbose "getting refresh token from cache"
        $refreshToken = Get-Content $refreshTokenCachePath -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction Stop
        $refreshToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($refreshToken)
        $refreshToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($refreshToken)
        $response = (Invoke-RestMethod "$tenantId/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$refreshToken" -ErrorAction Stop)
        $refreshToken = $response.refresh_token
        $AccessToken = $response.access_token
        write-verbose "tokens updated using cached token"
        Write-Output "Failed to use cached refresh token, need interactive login"
        $refreshToken = $False

#full login required
    Write-Verbose "No cache file exists and no refresh token supplied, perform interactive logon"
    if ([Environment]::UserInteractive) {
        foreach ($arg in [Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()) {
            if ($arg -like '-NonI*') {
                Throw "Interactive login required, but script is not running interactively. Run once interactively or supply a refresh token with -refreshToken"

    Import-Module az.accounts -erroraction silentlycontinue | out-null

    if(!(Get-Module -Name "Az.Accounts")){
        Throw "Az.Accounts module not installed!"
    Write-Verbose "Calling Login-AzAccount"
        $Null = Login-AzAccount -Tenant $tenantId -ErrorAction Stop
        $Null = Login-AzAccount -ErrorAction Stop

    #if login worked, we should have a Context
    $context = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext
        Write-verbose "logged in, checking local refresh tokens..."
        $string = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString($context.TokenCache.CacheData)
        $marker = 0
        $tokens = @()
            $marker = $string.IndexOf("https://",$marker)
            if($marker -eq -1){break}
            $uri = $string.SubString($marker,$string.IndexOf("RefreshToken",$marker)-4-$marker)
            $marker = $string.IndexOf("RefreshToken",$marker)+15
            if($string.Substring($marker+2,4) -ne "null"){
                $refreshtoken = $string.SubString($marker,$string.IndexOf("ResourceInResponse",$marker)-3-$marker)
                $marker = $string.IndexOf("ExpiresOn",$marker)+31
                $expirydate = $string.SubString($marker,$string.IndexOf("OffsetMinutes",$marker)-6-$marker)
                $tokens += [PSCustomObject]@{"expiresOn"=[System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($origin.AddMilliseconds($expirydate), $TZ);"refreshToken"=$refreshToken;"target"=$uri}
        $refreshToken = @($tokens | Where-Object {$_.expiresOn -gt (get-Date)} | Sort-Object -Descending -Property expiresOn)[0].refreshToken
        write-verbose "updating stolen refresh token"
        $response = (Invoke-RestMethod "$tenantId/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=$refreshToken" -ErrorAction Stop)
        $refreshToken = $response.refresh_token
        $AccessToken = $response.access_token
        write-verbose "tokens updated"

        Throw "Login-AzAccount failed, cannot continue"

    write-verbose "caching refresh token"
    Set-Content -Path $refreshTokenCachePath -Value ($refreshToken | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-SecureString -ErrorAction Stop) -Force -ErrorAction Continue | Out-Null
    write-verbose "refresh token cached"
    Throw "No refresh token found in cache and no valid refresh token passed or received after login, cannot continue"

    write-verbose "update token for supplied resource"
    $null = Login-AzAccount -AccountId $userUPN -AccessToken $AccessToken
    $context = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile.DefaultContext
    $resourceToken = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.AzureSession]::Instance.AuthenticationFactory.Authenticate($context.Account, $context.Environment, $context.Tenant.Id.ToString(), $null, [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.ShowDialog]::Never, $null, $resource).AccessToken
    Throw "Failed to translate access token to $resource , cannot continue"

return $resourceToken

This post was inspired by a use case Mark had for

Azure AD sign in and audit log retention

Often we, as cloud admins, need our audit or sign in logs. Usually, we need real-time data because, for example, we’re debugging why that one user has conditional access issues. But sometimes, we need to go back further than 30 days. And that is not something Azure does by default, but can be enabled:

Our options when exporting logs are limited to a Storage account, Log Analytics or an Event Hub. All these options offer multiple extraction methods to cover your transport needs to other systems. The default retention period is then forever, which is nice as we might need audit info going back a bit as hacks are usually discovered after about 206 days.

If you don’t have specific tools or requirements, I recommend setting up a Log Analytics workspace and connecting that to Azure AD:

Whichever method you choose, a P1 or P2 license is required. You only need a single license for the entire tenant when using the export audit / singin log functionality of AzureAD. Once configured, the Logs option directly bring you to the Log Analytics workspace search results:

I’ve briefly shown how to configure AzureAD to send audit and sign in logs to Log Analytics so you can go back further than 30 days. Stay tuned for the next post that will utilize these logs to dive deeper into Guest User activity.