Convert FSLogix profile to local profile

FSLogix, the defacto profile management solution for Azure Virtual Desktop, allows you to easily roam profiles between different Azure Virtual Desktops.

A solution to convert profiles to FSLogix profiles is available, but for the reverse, I couldn’t find anything.

In some situations, e.g. dedicated VDI’s, a local profile may perform better and reduce infrastructure complexity (no share required). Especially in larger environments with thousands of VDI’s the required performance of the profile share is very high.

I wanted to test converting / migrating back from FSLogix profiles to local profiles on a specific machine, which resulted in a simple PowerShell script that can be executed using Run Command or by an admin on the VM.

It mounts the profile of a given user, copies the data to the local VM, unmounts the profile (so the profile is not deleted!) and sets a bunch of registry keys to properly connect the local profile and disable FSLogix roaming on that VM for that user.

See GitLab

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Mark D
Mark D
9 months ago

Great script… note that for me, the $profileRemotePath would not populate because “.EndsWith” is case sensitive and my files end in “VHDX”.

I added “ToLower()” to the line so that it can find the file extension name regardless of case as shown below.

$profileRemotePath = (Get-ChildItem $profileRemotePath | where{$_.Name.StartsWith("Profile") -and ($_.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".vhd") -or $_.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".vhdx"))}).FullName
Alexsis Brown
Alexsis Brown
1 year ago


Thank you for this script, I have been trying to find something like this for the last couple of days now. When I attempt to run the script after entering in the required information and running I receive this error message

At C:\Users\browna10\OneDrive – Reed Elsevier Group ICO Reed Elsevier Inc\Desktop\convert-FsLogixProfileToLocalProfile.ps1:41 char:20
+ if(!(Test-Path $profileRemotePath)){
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Test-Path], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestPathCommand

I’m confused on (Test-Path $profileRemotePath)){ as there is nowhere to enter information that determines what the $profileRemotePath is?

Could you assist me with this please?