I recently came upon a really cool post by Josh and Sarah that explains how to clean up stale devices in Intune using the Graph API.
As I want to run this from an Azure runbook, silently, I had to modify it a little so it automatically consents to azure app permissions and logs in silently. If you’d like to use it, feel free to add it from the Azure gallery (search for Lieben) or download it yourself.
Make sure you’ve also imported the AzureAD and AzureRM modules into your automation account, and configured a credential object for the script to use.
GitLab: Remove-StaleIntuneDevicesForAzureAutomation.ps1
Technet: Remove-Stale-Intune-4b07488a
Ronny de Jong has a script fir cleanup of stale devices in AAD and Intune. See https://ronnydejong.com/2018/04/11/keep-your-microsoft-intune-tenant-clean-and-tidy-w-azure-automation-graph-api/