Windows Intune Client on Windows 7 errors 0x80cf401b or 0x80cf0438

If you hit error 0x80cf401b or 0x80cf0438 when attempting to install the Windows Intune client, disable your proxy or use a network that is not proxied.

In addition, after the Intune Client had been installed, I ran into several other errors that you might also run into. Always check for log files in c:\program files\microsoft\onlinemanagement\logs

The solution to below errors was disabling a Windows Update schedule coming from Group policy. This policy prohibited update installation from outside sources and only allowed installation during a maintenance window. If you see an access denied error (0x80070005), check here.

For reference:
AgtInstaller.log :

2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	:: START ::  Handler: MSI Install
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	:::::::::
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	  : Updates to install = 1
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	MSI update {9FF7C8F1-9EC4-4A4D-85C1-C218F6C411C4}.503518 using source image from 2 CABs.
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	  : Batch installing 1 updates
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	List of MSPs in transaction:
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	List of Transforms in transaction:
2015-02-13	14:37:48:781	2708	1620	Handler	MSI final command line:  ALLUSERS=1 MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	MSP Error List:
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 19 
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	  : MSI transaction completed. MSI: 0x80070643, Handler: 0x80cf200b, Source: No, Reboot: 0
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	Updating status for update 0.
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	  : WARNING: First failure for update {9FF7C8F1-9EC4-4A4D-85C1-C218F6C411C4}, transaction error = 0x80cf200b, MSI result = 0x80070643, MSI action = RollbackCleanup
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	Sending completion notification for update 0 ({9FF7C8F1-9EC4-4A4D-85C1-C218F6C411C4}.503518).
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	FATAL: Object save failed with error 0x80070013, 110
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	FATAL: Error persisting install result: 0x80070013
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	FATAL: InstallComplete notification for update 0 ({9FF7C8F1-9EC4-4A4D-85C1-C218F6C411C4}.503518 Status 0x80070643, Result 0x0000057a) failed with 0x80070013
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	Stopping on first error due to FailOptTerminate.
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	  : WARNING: Operation failed at update 0, Exit code = 0x80CF200B
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	:::::::::
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	::  END  ::  Handler: MSI Install
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	Handler	:::::::::::::
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	FATAL: Object save failed with error 0x80070013, 110
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	FATAL: Installation failed with error: 0x80cf200b.
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	FATAL: Error getting agent actions: 0x80070013
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	Changing state to PendingResultRead
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	WARNING: In Progress key not found. Skipping delete - 0
2015-02-13	14:38:40:402	2708	1620	AgtI	WARNING: Error Creating ResultAvailable Key: 0x80070013


2015-02-13	15:05:02:858	3492	db8	** START **  Service: Service startup
2015-02-13	15:05:02:858	3492	db8	*********
2015-02-13	15:05:02:889	3492	db8	  * AU client version 5.0.3518.0
2015-02-13	15:05:02:889	3492	db8	  * Base directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Client\Svc
2015-02-13	15:05:02:905	3492	db8	All the registry listeners were succesfully registered
2015-02-13	15:05:02:905	3492	db8	  * Network state: Connected
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	***********  Agent: Initializing Agent  ***********
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	  # Detection frequency: 8
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	  # Approval type: Scheduled (User preference)
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	  # Align with maintenance schedule: Yes (User preference)
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	  # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 3:00 (Local time)
2015-02-13	15:05:47:911	3492	db8	  # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2015-02-13	15:05:48:145	3492	db8	Setting AU scheduled install time to UTC 2015-02-14 02:00:00.
2015-02-13	15:05:48:145	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM
2015-02-13	15:07:24:288	3492	db8	WARNING: Failed to CoCreateAU in creating WISDM interface, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:07:28:890	3492	db8	WARNING: Open registry location: Policy agent registry path, error = 0x80070002
2015-02-13	15:07:36:472	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM
2015-02-13	15:09:12:677	3492	db8	WARNING: Failed to CoCreateAU in creating WISDM interface, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:09:12:677	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM
2015-02-13	15:10:48:820	3492	db8	WARNING: Failed to CoCreateAU in creating WISDM interface, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:10:48:820	3492	db8	WARNING: ISusInternal::CanInstallNow failed, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:10:48:820	3492	db8	AU setting pending client directive to 'Idle'
2015-02-13	15:10:48:820	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM
2015-02-13	15:12:24:933	3492	db8	WARNING: Failed to CoCreateAU in creating WISDM interface, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:12:24:964	3492	db8	AU finished delayed initialization
2015-02-13	15:12:24:995	3492	db8	Setting agent servicing state to 'In Progress'.
2015-02-13	15:12:24:995	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM
2015-02-13	15:14:01:138	3492	db8	WARNING: Failed to CoCreateAU in creating WISDM interface, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:14:01:138	3492	db8	WARNING: ISusInternal::CanInstallNow failed, error = 0x80080005
2015-02-13	15:14:01:138	3492	db8	AU setting pending client directive to 'Agent Servicing'
2015-02-13	15:14:01:138	3492	db8	Creating a new interface to call WISDM


2015-02-13	14:30:35:597	5264	11f4	Service	** START **  Service: Service startup
2015-02-13	14:30:35:597	5264	11f4	Service	*********
2015-02-13	14:30:35:613	5264	11f4	Agent	  * Updates client version 7.12.3518.0
2015-02-13	14:30:35:629	5264	11f4	Agent	  * Base directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Updates
2015-02-13	14:30:35:629	5264	11f4	Agent	  * Access type: No proxy
2015-02-13	14:30:35:629	5264	11f4	Agent	  * Network state: Connected
2015-02-13	14:30:35:691	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	Searching for Asset Inventory Service: Not Found
2015-02-13	14:30:35:691	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	Searching for Microsoft Intune: Found
2015-02-13	14:31:11:123	5264	11b4	Agent	***********  Agent: Initializing Agent  ***********
2015-02-13	14:31:11:123	5264	11b4	DnldMgr	Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2015-02-13	14:31:11:123	5264	16fc	PeerDist	Async IO monitor worker thread starting.
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5264	11b4	Agent	Task "Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Microsoft.OnlineManagement.UpdateEventReporter" was not found
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	Misc	===========  Logging initialized (build: 5.0.3518.0, tz: +0100)  ===========
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	Misc	  = Process: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Common\omsvchost2.exe
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	Misc	  = Module: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Common\AuthPlugin.dll
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:31:11:139	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:11:154	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-13	14:31:11:154	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-13	14:31:11:170	4860	1710	Misc	===========  Logging initialized (build: 5.0.3518.0, tz: +0100)  ===========
2015-02-13	14:31:11:170	4860	1710	Misc	  = Process: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Updates\Bin\omupdclt.exe
2015-02-13	14:31:11:170	4860	1710	UpdClt	omupdclt.exe launched with command line "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Updates\Bin\omupdclt.exe" /OnStartCheckDeviceInfoUploading
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_UserAuthLocationServiceService
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_ServerAuthLocationServiceService
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_ErrorEventWebService
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_SCCMConnector
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_SCCMUserSyncService
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS: Ignoring unrecognized auth reqs: "AgentSTS"
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS: Ignoring unrecognized auth reqs: "ConfigManagerConnectorSTS"
2015-02-13	14:31:16:209	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Writing to cache
2015-02-13	14:31:16:240	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Successfully wrote service endpoints to cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:16:256	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:31:16:256	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:31:16:256	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	Asset Inventory Service is not installed; not scheduling agent sync
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	11f4	Agent	BeginFetchInstallStatus: No Agent Install Result to process.
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointAuthProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	Misc	===========  Logging initialized (build: 5.0.3518.0, tz: +0100)  ===========
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	Misc	  = Process: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Common\omsvchost.exe
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	Misc	  = Module: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\OnlineManagement\Common\AuthPlugin.dll
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:31:21:124	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:21:139	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting preferred token types: 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:31:21:139	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting URL: ""
2015-02-13	14:31:24:478	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:31:24:478	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:31:24:478	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:24:478	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-13	14:31:24:478	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-13	14:31:26:475	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting auth token of type 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_UserAuthLocationServiceService
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_ServerAuthLocationServiceService
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_ErrorEventWebService
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_SCCMConnector
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS:  Ignoring unrecognized binding name: DefaultBinding_SCCMUserSyncService
2015-02-13	14:31:28:035	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS: Ignoring unrecognized auth reqs: "AgentSTS"
2015-02-13	14:31:28:051	5600	15e4	EP	WARNING: SLS: Ignoring unrecognized auth reqs: "ConfigManagerConnectorSTS"
2015-02-13	14:31:28:051	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Writing to cache
2015-02-13	14:31:28:082	5600	15e4	EP	SLS: Successfully wrote service endpoints to cache.
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	*************
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	*********
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Detection' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Detection' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	  * ServiceID = Microsoft Intune
2015-02-13	14:31:29:081	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Search Scope = {Machine}
2015-02-13	14:31:29:237	5264	c7c	WuaInt	#############
2015-02-13	14:31:29:237	5264	c7c	WuaInt	## START ##  WuaInt: Searching for updates from WUA [Online: no]
2015-02-13	14:31:29:237	5264	c7c	WuaInt	#########
2015-02-13	14:31:29:237	5264	c7c	WuaInt	ValidateWuaRequiredVersion checking version of "C:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll"
2015-02-13	14:31:29:268	5264	c7c	WuaInt	Beginning search using criteria "IsHidden=1 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Detection' OR IsHidden=0 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Detection' OR IsHidden=1 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Installation' OR IsHidden=0 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Installation' OR IsHidden=1 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' OR IsHidden=0 and Type='Software' and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation'"
2015-02-13	14:32:54:141	5264	c7c	WuaInt	WARNING: None of the Windows Updates returned by WUA are deployed by the service.
2015-02-13	14:32:54:157	5264	c7c	WuaInt	  # Searching for updates from WUA completed and found 0 updates
2015-02-13	14:32:54:157	5264	c7c	WuaInt	#########
2015-02-13	14:32:54:157	5264	c7c	WuaInt	##  END  ##  WuaInt: Searching for updates from WUA
2015-02-13	14:32:54:157	5264	c7c	WuaInt	#############
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {3E8DEC64-A6D3-4887-8D8F-58FFB4D0BDF9}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {02DD2D20-5955-4701-9B20-AB3F3867E577}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {F9F83347-CBBB-42F8-9BB5-B1647363981D}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {3E22B299-FCF9-45A0-8A17-004AFCBC78CD}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {2646ED3A-E273-4816-A771-7D9F7995A642}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {3E092037-0F47-4C95-A5A4-ADC5C0B5D466}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {D3A664D1-6139-43FD-BD81-FCD23D0EAC9A}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {DCE70930-1869-45D9-805F-E4F5A8E1302E}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Added update {157BB026-2545-45B4-96AF-25C22BCB2F2A}.503518 to search result
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	  * Found 9 updates and 6 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 32 out of 51 deployed entities
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	*********
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	**  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2015-02-13	14:32:54:266	5264	c7c	Agent	*************
2015-02-13	14:32:54:297	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:32:54:297	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointAuthProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:32:54:297	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:32:54:297	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:32:54:297	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:32:54:313	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting preferred token types: 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:32:54:313	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting URL: ""
2015-02-13	14:32:54:313	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting auth token of type 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:32:54:313	5264	c7c	Report	Uploading 3 events, reporting URL =
2015-02-13	14:32:55:982	5264	c7c	Report	Reporter successfully uploaded 3 events. Status Code = StatusCodeAcknowledged
2015-02-13	14:32:55:998	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:32:55:998	5264	c7c	EP	Obtained plugin IUpdateEndpointAuthProvider on CLSID 3BF1D171-8D71-44C4-B234-302390EDD390
2015-02-13	14:32:55:998	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Initializing for service ID 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2015-02-13	14:32:55:998	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Reading from cache
2015-02-13	14:32:55:998	5264	c7c	EP	SLS: Successfully read service endpoints from cache.
2015-02-13	14:32:56:013	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting preferred token types: 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:32:56:013	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting URL: ""
2015-02-13	14:32:56:013	5264	c7c	EP	Got service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting auth token of type 0x00000001
2015-02-13	14:32:56:013	5264	c7c	Report	Uploading 3 events, reporting URL =
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	Received timeout event
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	Agent	Agent servicing time window policy is not set
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	Agent	WARNING: Unable to read agent servicing time window policy, error = 0x80070002. 
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	WARNING: Failed to update task triggers, error = 0x80070002
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	#############
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	## START ##  AgntUpd: Search for agents [Service = "Microsoft Intune"]
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	#########
2015-02-13	14:33:21:131	5264	11f4	AgntUpd	<<## SUBMITTED ## AgntUpd: Search for agents [Service = "Microsoft Intune", CallId = {B9B54609-CBA2-430B-AFD1-41BD0ABE9DE6}]
2015-02-13	14:33:56:685	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: Nws Failure: errorCode=0x803d0006
2015-02-13	14:33:56:685	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: Original error code: 0x80072ee2
2015-02-13	14:33:56:685	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: There was an error communicating with the endpoint at ''.
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: The operation timed out
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: Web service call failed with hr = 80cf401c.
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: Current service auth scheme='None'.
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	WARNING: Proxy List used: '(null)', Bypass List used: '(null)', Last Proxy used: '(null)', Last auth Schemes used: 'None'.
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	FATAL: OnCallFailure(hrCall, m_error) failed with hr=0x80cf401c
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	WS	FATAL: NwsCallWithProxyRetry(Functor(&_batch, &_result)) failed with hr=0x80cf401c
2015-02-13	14:33:56:700	5264	c7c	Report	WARNING: Reporter failed to upload 3 events. hr = 0x80cf401c.
2015-02-20	11:52:27:992	2928	a04	EP	SLS: Retrying endpoint and token retrieval due to refresh required
2015-02-20	11:52:27:992	2928	a04	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-20	11:52:27:992	2928	a04	EP	SLS: Contacting Location Service
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Nws Failure: errorCode=0x803d0010
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Original error code: 0x80072ee7
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Er is een fout opgetreden bij het communiceren met het eindpunt op
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: De naam of het adres van de server kan niet worden omgezet
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Web service call failed with hr = 80cf402c.
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Current service auth scheme='None'.
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	WARNING: Proxy List used: '(null)', Bypass List used: '(null)', Last Proxy used: '(null)', Last auth Schemes used: 'None'.
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	WS	FATAL: OnCallFailure(hrCall, m_error) failed with hr=0x80cf402c
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	EP	FATAL: SLS: Failed to refresh service endpoints, error = 0x80CF402C
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	EP	FATAL: Failed to retrieve endpoint location, hr 0x80cf402c
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	EP	FATAL: SLS: Call to GetServiceEndpoint failed, error = 0x80CF402C
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	EP	FATAL: Failed to obtain service Microsoft Intune plugin Reporting URL, error = 0x80CF402C
2015-02-20	11:52:28:008	2928	a04	EP	FATAL: SLS: Failed to obtain endpoint loc, error = 0x80CF402C
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