All posts by JosL

O365Migrator v0.9 released!

Version 0.9 of O365Migrator is now available as a free download.

What was changed?

  • Differential transfer: upload only changed/new files. (does not process renames, moves and deletes yet!)
  • Subfolder targeting: upload to a specific subfolder instead of the root if specified
  • Better library name detection when admin and user have different language settings

You can find the new version here.

Excluding Skype for Business from ADFS MFA

When you want to use Skype for Business Online, but are using an on premises ADFS implementation and require MFA for all logins, Skype for Business will fail to authenticate. It cannot handle the ADFS Multi-Factor challenge because MFA is not yet supported for Office 365 Online Skype for Business tenants.

To exempt Skype for Business from your ADFS RPT, use the following claims rule

$rp = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -name "Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform"

Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust –TargetRelyingParty $rp –AdditionalAuthenticationRules 'NOT EXISTS([Type == "", Value =~ "(?i)skype"]) && NOT EXISTS([Type=="", Value =~ "(?i)ACOMO"]) && NOT EXISTS([Type=="", Value =~ "(?i)lync"]) => issue(Type = "", Value = "");'

*With thanks to the IT team at NHTV 😉

OnedriveMapper v2.31 released!

Version 2.31 of OneDriveMapper has been released.

  • Changed elevation mediation method to scheduled task (used to be a registry hack)
  • Added logging to screen (in addition to logging to file), turned on by default
  • Added support for Sharepoint Mappings based on AD Security Groups
  • Fixed two minor bugs

Get the new version here