The mysterious X-MS-Forest header

When working with the API, I noticed that the MS portal uses an X-MS-Forest header.

At first, ignoring this went fine as doing GET calls to this api didn’t seem to require it. But, of course the moment I wanted more, it suddenly WAS required (PUT/POST).

The question was; how does the portal determine the value for this header and how do we replicate that? Well, that wasn’t difficult: apparently a call to suffices and returns the value for the X-MS-Forest header for the tenant identified in your token. Example:

    $headers = Get-GraphToken -tenantid $tenantId -scope ""
    #get the correct forest
    $tenantInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -uri "" -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers
    #add the X-MS-Forest header (required) for subsequent calls
    $headers["X-MS-Forest"] = $tenantInfo.serviceDiscovery.Headers.'X-MS-Forest'

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