Version 2.1 of OneDriveMapper has been released.
This version has a few bugfixes, is a bit faster, and has improved ADFS timeout/redirection handling.
Get the new version here
Version 2.1 of OneDriveMapper has been released.
This version has a few bugfixes, is a bit faster, and has improved ADFS timeout/redirection handling.
Get the new version here
Hello Jos and thank you for this script.
I’m not using ADFS and autodetect was not working well for me (aborting with “waited for more than 5 to get redirected to ADFS, aborting script)
Setting $adfsWaitTime to 0 as suggested in the parameter comment did not help too.
So I add these few lines on line 398 of your script.
Now it works perfectly !
if($adfsWaitTime -eq 0){
ac $logfile “ADFS not in use”
$useADFS = $False
$redirecting = $False
elseif($redirWaited -ge $adfsWaitTime){