Category Archives: Powershell

O365Undo updated for O365 Groups

O365Undo is a great script you can use to roll back actions of your user(s) in Office 365. Most likely, actions your user wasn’t aware of but were actually done by a CryptoLocker or by RansomWare.

These nasty virusses can cause havoc on your mapped or synced Sharepoint Online or Onedrive for Business libraries in the form of file level encryption or file name obfuscation.

This new version also protects Office 365 Groups.

Read more or download the script

Using Powershell to check a user’s tenant logon setting in Office 365 (without logging in)

I was interested in being able to see, for any given email, what type of authentication Microsoft requires for that user. This could be Office 365 (Azure AD) native, ADFS, etc.

Powershell can easily help you out:

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$uidEnc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($uid)
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -SessionVariable cookies -Method Get -UseBasicParsing
$stsRequest = ($res.InputFields | where {$_.Name -eq "ctx"}).Value
$flowToken = ($res.InputFields | where {$_.Name -eq "flowToken"}).Value
$canary = ($res.InputFields | where {$_.Name -eq "canary"}).Value
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$uidEnc&api-version=2.1&stsRequest=$stsRequest&checkForMicrosoftAccount=false" -WebSession $cookies -Method GET -UseBasicParsing

The response will contain a redirect to another authentication provider (ADFS) or Azure AD Native. This is an example JSON response:

{"NameSpaceType":"Managed","Login":"","DomainName":"","FederationBrandName":"Lieben Consultancy","TenantBrandingInfo":null,"cloud_instance_name":""}

If you also wish to include Microsoft accounts, set the checkForMicrosoftAccount parameter in the second request to true

AzureAD Connect SSO
If you’re using AzureAD Connect SSO, you can use the above to check if this is correctly set in Office 365. The JSON response will contain a propert is_dsso_enabled, which will be set to True

Prevent duplicate or hanging Powershell processes that run from the Task Scheduler

Many automated processes we write in Powershell are scheduled on a server somewhere and run periodically.
Sometimes, the script may hang. In my experience, the task scheduler setting “Stop the task if it runs longer than:” rarely works properly when a Powershell script hangs. It either thinks it stopped the task, or is unable to.

This can result in memory hogging runaway Powershell processes, locked log files, concurrent user issues, etc etc.

If you want to prevent that from happening, add this function to your script and call it once at the start of your script. It will kill any Powershell process with the same script name that does not match the running process’s Process ID. It requires Powershell 3+:

function preventDoubleSchedule{
        $scriptFileName = split-path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf
    }catch{$scriptFileName = $Null}
        [Array]$psProcesses = @(Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name like '%Powershell.exe%' and handle != '$pid'" | where {$_})
    if($psProcesses.Count -gt 0){
        foreach($psProcess in $psProcesses){
            if($psProcess.CommandLine -like "*$scriptFileName*" -and $scriptFileName){
                ##we've found a Powershell process that is running this script, but does not have the same process ID, lets try to kill it
                    Stop-Process -Id $psProcess.Handle -Force -Confirm:$False

Copy local AD contacts to O365

Recently I needed a basic method to copy over contacts from a local AD to O365, and in cases where a read-write contact already exists; update it. The scenario made sense, as we were working with multiple source AD’s where some had contacts of each other’s mail users, causing adsync conflicts. Thus we decided to take contacts out of ADsync scope and just copy them once.

The logic of the attached script is as follows:









Note that the script ONLY imports the displayname, primary and all secondary email addresses, and sets an extra X500 address for the legacy exchangeDN to avoid outlook cache hit misses.

If you need it, here’s a download link:


Powershell v1 and v2 friendly version of Invoke-WebRequest

If you need to use the Invoke-Webrequest on machines that are still running an older Powershell version, this function will help you out.

It sets a script-wide variable called ‘cookiejar’, which will persist any cookies during subsequent calls to this function. You can add customHeaders as a hashtable if you need to. By default the function will also attempt to respond to 401 challenges with the current user credentials.

function JosL-WebRequest{
    if($script:cookiejar -eq $Null){
        $script:cookiejar = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer     
    $maxAttempts = 3
            $retVal = @{}
            $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
            $request.TimeOut = 5000
            $request.Method = $method
            if($trySSO -eq 1){
                $request.UseDefaultCredentials = $True
                $customHeaders.Keys | % { 
                    $request.Headers[$_] = $customHeaders.Item($_)
            $request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)"
            $request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            $request.CookieContainer = $script:cookiejar
            if($method -eq "POST"){
                $body = [byte[]][char[]]$body
                $upStream = $request.GetRequestStream()
                $upStream.Write($body, 0, $body.Length)
            $response = $request.GetResponse()
            $retVal.StatusCode = $response.StatusCode
            $retVal.StatusDescription = $response.StatusDescription
            $retVal.Headers = $response.Headers
            $stream = $response.GetResponseStream()
            $streamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]($stream)
            $retVal.Content = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
            return $retVal
            if($attempts -ge $maxAttempts){Throw}else{sleep -s 2}