Category Archives: Powershell

Automatically bitlocker Windows 10 MDM Intune Azure AD Joined devices

Update: in recent builds of Windows the BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector PowerShell command does most of what this used to do šŸ™‚

I recently ran into an article by Pieter Wigleven, based on an original idea of Jan Van Meirvenne that I simply have to share, and expand upon.

When you go cloud first, and do light MDM management of your Azure AD Joined Windows 10 devices, you will likely enable a Bitlocker policy in Intune. What you’ll quickly discover, is that your policy will not automatically enforce/enable Bitlocker on non-InstantGo capable devices.

So, I expanded upon Jan and Pieter’s script to automatically enable Bitlocker on Windows 10; it has additional error handling, local logging and it will eject removable drives prior to immediately (vs reboot) encrypting your system drive. After this is started, it will register your recovery key in AzureAD. Of course all credit for the original idea goes to Jan van Meirvenne.

Powershell source file

enableBitlockerAndRegisterInAAD_v0.04.ps1Ā (right click, save as)

MSI file

enableBitlockerAndRegisterInAAd_v0.04.msiĀ (right click, save as)

As Intune won’t let you deploy a Powershell script, I’ve also wrapped the script in an MSI file with Advanced Installer for you. What this will do;

  1. Deploy the PS1 file to the machine
  2. Register a scheduled task to run this PS1 file at logon each time
  3. Kick off the scheduled task once so a first reboot isn’t required

Advanced installer package (.aip)

enableBitlockerAndRegisterInAAD.zipĀ (right click, save as)


  1. Windows 10, AzureAD Joined
  2. TPM chip
  3. User should be local admin

Deploying the new Onedrive Next Generation Sync client as MSI through Intune to Windows 10

Onedrive for Business’s client, the new Next Generation Sync client, is awesome. Obviously.

So you want it on your devices, but Microsoft distributes it as .exe. Nasty, because I want to manage Windows 10 as mobile devices through Intune, and that only allowes me to distribute as MSI.

I created an MSI for Onedrive for Business’s Next Generation Client using Advanced Installer. Because I’m not allowed to redistribute Microsoft’s .exe, this MSI downloads the .exe from Microsoft’s website, it uses /silent and /takeover as installation switches. Continue reading Deploying the new Onedrive Next Generation Sync client as MSI through Intune to Windows 10

GroupSync v0.56 available!

Version 0.56 is out, changes since v0.50:

  • prevent running twice (if scheduled task hangs for some reason)
  • send email notification if logfile is locked
  • replace add-adgroupmember and remove-adgroupmember with set-adgroup because of a known bug in these commands
  • multi-delete protection
  • auto reconnect to Exchange Online when the connection times out + longer timeout
  • additional filtering method for groups: extensionAttribute2
    • If you want to use this instead of the displayName prefix filter, read up on how to switch

Get it here

OnedriveMapper v3.07 released!

Version 3.07 of OneDriveMapperĀ has beenĀ released!

  • Azure AD PassThrough SSO now supported
  • Now defaults to TLS V1.2 instead of V1.0 (Powershell default)
  • Auto updater and MSI updates now support changing the config ID
  • Force IE auth mode on Powershell V2 or lower
  • Don’t process AzureADSSO regkeys when using native mode

Get the new versionĀ here

Setting a Windows Cookie with Powershell (using InternetSetcookie in WinInet)

As I’m trying to improve OnedriveMapper, I’ve been looking into methods to avoid using Browser Emulation to authenticate with Office 365.

This wasn’t difficult, but storing the cookie posed a challenge. There are no available methods in Powershell to do so, thus I went searching until I ran into a post on Stackoverflow that shows how to store a cookie using C#

Since Powershell can eat C#, this ended up being my working code to set a persistent OS cookie from Powershell:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace Cookies
    public static class setter
        [DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern bool InternetSetCookie(string url, string name, string data);

        public static bool SetWinINETCookieString(string url, string name, string data)
            bool res = setter.InternetSetCookie(url, name, data);
            if (!res)
                throw new Exception("Exception setting cookie: Win32 Error code="+Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                return res;

$compilerParameters = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters

Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -Language CSharp -CompilerParameters $compilerParameters

[DateTime]$dateTime = Get-Date
$str = $dateTime.ToString("R")


edit: don’t use the Get-Hotfix PS command before you run above code, for some reason it breaks things.