Category Archives: OneDriveMapper

OnedriveMapper v3.12 release!

Version 3.12 of OneDriveMapper has been released:

  • First attempt to support new sign in method in IE mode
  • First attempt to support new sign in method in native mode
  • Azure AD PassThrough not working yet
  • The version on GitLab will change frequently as I fix issues that come up, check the commits if you want to ensure you have the latest
  • if you have issues on the latest version, please check the FAQ and submit Fiddler logs and/or provide a VM with remote access to me
  • Update: Azure AD SSO working in latest GitLab commit

Note that your region may not yet have been transitioned to the new signin method Microsoft is implementing.

Get the new version here

OnedriveMapper IE mode deprecation notice

Update: Microsoft has delayed the new Sign in experience until the end of October.

As posted in an earlier update, Microsoft has redesigned the user experience around the Office 365 (and Azure) login process.

Only two weeks at most remain until this experience will be mandatory, according to above link.

I’ve take a long look at the new experience and have not found a good method to implement this in the IE sign-in method of OnedriveMapper.

This means that the moment Microsoft disables the old sign-in experience, the IE sign-in method of OnedriveMapper will be effectively deprecated.

I expect Native auth mode will continue to function, and if that is also affected, will be fixed quickly. Native auth requires:  Continue reading OnedriveMapper IE mode deprecation notice

OnedriveMapper in Gitlab!

I’ve just moved OnedriveMapper’s code to a public GitLab repository. I’d like the code and download itself to live there from now on.

This allows you to discuss and submit issues with the script, and more importantly, it allows everyone to fork/branch and collaborate on making it even better!

I invite everyone to participate! Check it out here:

News and notifications about updates will of course still always be posted here.

OnedriveMapper v3.11 release

Version 3.11 of OneDriveMapper has been released:

  • additional fixes to Microsoft’s new sign in method

Important Auto Update Instructions

This version can only auto-update from a cleanly installed v3.10, lower versions will need to be reinstalled.

New Azure AD Signin experience

In IE mode, the script now redirects to the old experience, this means that IE mode will BREAK once Microsoft enforces the new experience. They have not released a timeline for this.

If I have time, I’ll include support for the new experience, but I highly recommend make sure you’re using Native auth as this is far less likely to be affected.

Get the new version here