Category Archives: OneDrive for Business

Moving to Onedrive Per machine mode in intune

The Onedrive Per Machine install is the future recommended method of Microsoft to install and deploy Onedrive for Business.

Especially in multi-user / shared computer scenario’s Onedrive is much faster in Per Machine mode.

Here is a quick tutorial on deploying Onedrive in Per Machine mode to your Windows 10 Intune / MDM users, keep in mind:

  • no user interaction is required
  • updates etc still work in the same manner
  • existing data/accounts are adopted automatically
Continue reading Moving to Onedrive Per machine mode in intune

Uploading a file to onedrive for business with Python

For a Raspberry Pi project that’ll take a number of pictures of my house for an as of yet unknown period of time I’m sharing my very first Python script with you.

All it has to do is upload all files from a given folder to a given Onedrive for Business path, as obviously the Pi can’t store much data on its tiny SD card. You’ll need to register an azure ad app and give it the appropriate permissions. You’ll have to consent to the application once (url format ={client-id}).

Then schedule below Python script on your Pi, it will retrieve an Azure token without the need for external libraries, parse the directory and upload everything in it to the given onedrive for business URL, simple as that! It can also be used for Sharepoint or Teams by adjusting the path.

import requests 
import json
directory = r"c:\temp\uploads"
data = {'grant_type':"client_credentials", 
URL = ""
r = = URL, data = data) 
j = json.loads(r.text)
TOKEN = j["access_token"]
URL = ""
headers={'Authorization': "Bearer " + TOKEN}
r = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)
j = json.loads(r.text)
print("Uploading file(s) to "+URL)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
    for filename in files:
        filepath = os.path.join(root,filename)
        print("Uploading "+filename+"....")
        fileHandle = open(filepath, 'rb')
        r = requests.put(URL+"/"+filename+":/content", data=fileHandle, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201:
            #remove folder contents
            print("succeeded, removing original file...")
            os.remove(os.path.join(root, filename)) 
print("Script completed")
raise SystemExit

OnedriveMapper v3.17 released!

Version 3.17 of OneDriveMapper has been released:

  • Changed the $autoResetIE option to only remove cookies, nothing else to prevent issue with Teams overriding the WebDAV cookie
  • Additional detection method for Teams libraries
  • Support post-ADFS MFA challenge
  • Teams and Sharepoint Icons for shortcuts added
  • Smarted / better redirect handling
  • Support for new sign in method MFA
  • When mapping teams with the same name, don’t overwrite the link but append a digit

Get the new version here

OnedriveMapper v3.14 released!

Version 3.14 of OneDriveMapperĀ has beenĀ released:

  • added an ‘always reset IE cookies’ option
  • completely revamped the way you configure mappings (make sure you read the help in the code!)
  • optionally, map to Network Locations instead of Driveletters (thanks Tom!)
  • Most options are no longer mandatory
  • OnedriveMapper Cloud no longer supported (as announced last year)
  • New and greatly enhanced Folder Redirection functions, including automatic copying of source content
  • Optional client certificate selection based on certificate template name
  • Automatic certificate refresh if no client certificate is present, when using client certificates as auth mode
  • Some bugfixes and major code cleanup
  • Usage of environment variable to determine mapping driveletter removed

As always, make sure to test before deploying to production, I’ve only tested Azure AD and a single ADFS setup.

Get the new versionĀ here