Category Archives: Office 365

Office 365 automated license management part 1

If you’ve been administering or enrolling tenants for Office 365, you’ve dealt with Licenses.

In Office 365 (or Azure and Intune!), various licensing plans are available and can be upgraded or downgraded at will quite flexibly.

However, the user interface for this is extremely limited when you start working with large numbers of users or start working with non O365 specific licenses such as EMS and there is no place or method to keep an amdministration or rulebase of who should have what license.

I’m writing a series of scripts to bulk automate user licensing in Continue reading Office 365 automated license management part 1

Exchange 2007 Hybrid Migration to Office 365 with Exchange 2013 Coexistence

During a migration for a customer from an Exchange 2007 environment, to Office 365, I ran into some issues that I’d like to share, as I could not find any material on this subject elsewhere.

Our plan was easy, update the Exchange 2007 servers to the latest Servicepack and CU to allow coexistence with an Exchange 2013 server as detailed on technet. I’d then build up the Hybrid relationship on the 2013 machine, move the mailboxes and phase out the 2007 machines. The 2013 machine would remain for on-premises Lync connectivity, which needs a CAS to talk to.

Once the Exchange 2013 server was installed, I prepared the machine for Hybrid connectivity, added the relevant domains to Office 365 and started the Hybrid setup wizard from the Exchange 2013 ECP.

I received the following error:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory
An IIS directory entry couldn't be created. The error message is Access is denied.
. HResult = -2147024891
    + CategoryInfo          : NotInstalled: (EXCH2007-1\EWS (Default Web Site):ADObjectId) [Get-WebServicesVirtualDirect
   ory], IISGeneralCOMException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXCH2013,RequestId=f962a8dd-2d39-4b36-85c3-a16a15fc3252,TimeStamp=9-6-201
   5 07:50:59] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-IISGeneralCOMException] 18EA544C,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigura
    + PSComputerName        : exch2013.fqdn

An IIS directory entry couldn't be created. The error message is Access is denied.
. HResult = -2147024891
    + CategoryInfo          : NotInstalled: (EXCH2007-2\EWS (Default Web Site):ADObjectId) [Get-WebServicesVirtualDirect
   ory], IISGeneralCOMException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXCH2013,RequestId=f962a8dd-2d39-4b36-85c3-a16a15fc3252,TimeStamp=9-6-201
   5 07:50:59] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-IISGeneralCOMException] 18EA544C,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigura
    + PSComputerName        : exch2013.fqdn

The hybrid wizard aborted, and could not continue.
The Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory command checks all Continue reading Exchange 2007 Hybrid Migration to Office 365 with Exchange 2013 Coexistence

Limit your OneDrive for Business accounts to domain PC’s only

Today, Microsoft announced an exciting feature which is still rather limited, but a start of something nice.

Administrators can enforce security on OneDrive for Business, ensuring that their licensed business users can only sync their OneDrive account on a domain joined computer. Users will be unable to sync their OneDrive library on their personal, unsecured and unmanaged device.

Let’s hope this is soon extended to Windows 10 Azure Workplace Joined devices and any other devices that have been WorkPlace joined (Android, Apple, Windows 7+, Windows Phone).

For details on configuring this, check this technet article.

Sync disabled users (shared mailboxes) to Office 365 with Azure Active Directory Sync

I often hear customers who run an onpremises Exchange 2010 or 2013 environment in Hybrid mode with Office 365 complain about their Shared Mailboxes not appearing in Office 365 when using AADSync (or AADConnect).

This is important for mail routing if they don’t exist as contacts, or if you are using Exchange Online Protection for these mailboxes.

So, two quick steps to configure AADSync to also sync disabled users to Office 365. Continue reading Sync disabled users (shared mailboxes) to Office 365 with Azure Active Directory Sync

Adding OneDrive for Business libraries to reduce sync errors

If you’re using OneDrive for Business to store a large amount of company and / or personal files, you’re like me.

And you’ve probably been frustrated running into issues using the OneDrive for Business client. It really hates it when you have over 5000 items in your account. This is annoying, because Microsoft gives us unlimited storage space in our OneDrive for Business account. But if you go over 5000, you’ll see an error message if you go into the library settings and the trouble starts.

OneDrive for Business may stop syncing files, or start eating 100% CPU capacity and simply not responding to anything. Files may never upload, or may end up in a cache where you will have no idea where it is.

What most people don’t know, is Continue reading Adding OneDrive for Business libraries to reduce sync errors