Setting calendar permission in bulk

A simple snippet that’ll allow you to give a certain group PublishingAuthor rights to all calendars in your organization:

$mailboxes = get-mailbox -Resultsize Unlimited
foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes){
Remove-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "$($mailbox.alias):\Calendar" -User INSERTUSERORGROUPNAMEHERE -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "$($mailbox.alias):\Calendar" -User INSERTUSERORGROUPNAMEHERE -AccessRights PublishingEditor -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Write-Host "$($mailbox.alias) processed" -ForeGroundColor Green
Write-Host "$($mailbox.alias) failed" -ForeGroundColor Red


A warning though, calendar permissions in Exchange Online can easily become corrupted. I’ve been in touch with support several times, but their only fix is to tell the user to remove and reapply the permissions, which is a sure way to annoy your users during migration.

So, communicate this in advance!

Exchange Forwarding Report

This powershell snippet will tell you which mailbox is actively forwarding email, in what method (dual delivery or pure forwarding), to which email address and if the corresponding contact still exists and is active.

#Module name: findForwarderDetails
#Author: Jos Lieben (OGD)
#Date: 01-04-2016
#Description: this snippet will discover all active forwarders in your organization, and will print the original mailbox, target contact and target address and forwarding method

$output = @()
$mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.ForwardingAddress -ne $Null}

foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes){

    $obj = New-Object PSObject
    $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty mailboxName($mailbox.DisplayName)
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingMode("Dual delivery")
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingMode("Forward Only")
        $contact = Get-MailContact -Identity $mailbox.ForwardingAddress.DistinguishedName -ErrorAction Stop
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingToName($contact.DisplayName)
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingToEmail($contact.ExternalEmailAddress)
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingToName("CONTACT DOES NOT EXIST OR IS DISABLED")
        $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty forwardingToEmail("CONTACT DOES NOT EXIST OR IS DISABLED")
    $output += $obj

Write-Output $output